I Refuse to Quit!
The Autobiography of A Dreamer (REVISED VERSION)
The motivational autobiography of Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Dream Influencer Greg “Olskool Ice-Gre” Lewis.

I Refuse to Quit! The Autobiography of A Dreamer (REVISED VERSION) is a motivational autobiography that uses cogent episodes from the life of the author, Greg “Olskool Ice-Gre” Lewis as a blueprint to transform travail into triumph while in pursuit of one’s dreams. Now living his reality as a successful businessman, music and entertainment veteran and founder of Honest Management LLC., Lewis shares his journey and the importance of helping others attain their dreams. Focus, determination, passion, and drive are the central themes in this chronicle of unrelenting optimism that motivates, inspires, and educates the reader. Whether you’re a student, entrepreneur, executive or simply someone looking to maximize their potential, the lessons and insights, shared in this anatomy of a dreamer who found success on the other side of the struggle have relevance.